Customers recommend Hines balancing machines for their high performance, repeatability, high reliability, low cost maintenance, ease of use, and high quality customer support. Below are some of their testimonials from over the years. Hines balancing machines set the standards by which other balancers are measured.
Hines Horizontal Overhung Performance
You might be interested to know that in making the purchase decision an influencing factor has been the performance of the current [Hines] machine. I am told that we bought it in 2004 and it has run since then continuously without breakdown, which I think is an outstanding testimonial to your company. We look forward to receiving a similar machine.
Saudi Mechanical Industries Co
Hines, Top-Ranked Customer Service
Thanks as always for the great service. Out of the 30 machines of assorted brands we run here, you guys at Hines by far have the best customer support ...we appreciate being able to reach out for the occasional input. Keep up the great work!
Russell—Steve's Import Auto Center
HVAC Industry about Hines On-site Training
I just wanted to let you know that we really appreciated Tracy's service, yesterday. He came in on time, got the job done quickly and professionally, and answered any questions we asked during the calibration. He also provided us with some good training about the balancers' capabilities and how best to set our parts up, and also what not to do on the balancers. He covered all the areas we wanted to cover, and was able to thoroughly answer questions that came up during the session.
Tracy—Systemair Manufacturing, Inc.
Hines, a Member of Top Racing Industry Teams
We chose a Hines Balancer because it is known as the Industry standard and is used by nearly all the top racing teams.
Cliff—Northern Auto Parts
Aftermarket Industry
I've used Hines balancers for over 10 years and really like them. When I purchase a balancer for myself, it will definitely be one of yours.
Chris—Seidle Motorsports
Racing Industry on Hines Repeatability and ROI
The Hines Dominator was the best investment our company could have ever made. We have balanced over 3000 crankshafts In the last 7 years. Trouble free with great repeatability.
Pump Impeller Balancing Return on Investment (ROI)
Thanks Chris (Services Department Manager at Hines), I appreciate your quick response. The balancer is working well and having it in-house has saved Cornell thousands of dollars of outsourcing costs. Thanks again for your assistance.
Ted—Cornell Pump Company
Racing Industry
I chose the Hines Balancing machine because I used them in the past and they always worked great.
Brad—KMJ Performance